2024-2025 SEASON

A dance season is similar to a school year. Classes start in September and run through May. The first semester dancers will focus on learning and practicing skills, proper technique, and short dance combinations. The second semester will focus on learning and practicing the recital performance dance while refining the skills and technique taught in the first semester. Our 2024-2025 season offers 33 weeks of scheduled classes and an end of year dance recital in May.
We take registrations year-round for classes, but you must register by January 1st, 2025 in order to participate in our year end recital in May. Have questions about a certain class style or want to try it out? We offer a FREE trail class, just email us at stepitupdance@hotmail.com to inquire!

September 5th - 23-24 Season classes start
October 31st - Halloween - No Classes
November 20th - 24th - Thanksgiving Break
December 23rd - January 3rd - Winter Break
March 10th-14th - Spring Break
May 17th - Annual Recital (tentative)
En español
Una temporada de baile es similar a un año escolar. Las clases comienzan en septiembre y duran hasta mayo. Los bailarines del primer semestre se centrarán en aprender y practicar habilidades, técnica adecuada y combinaciones cortas de baile. El segundo semestre se centrará en aprender y practicar el recital de danza mientras se refinan las habilidades y la técnica enseñadas en el primer semestre. Nuestra temporada 2024-2025 ofrece 33 semanas de clases programadas y un recital de baile de fin de año en mayo.
El último día para registrarse y ser parte de nuestras clases de la temporada 2024-2025 es el 1 de noviembre.